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Dust extraction fan 1.85 kW Oelde Größe 16
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Dust extraction fan 1.85 kW Oelde Größe 16
Exaustores e sistemas de extração de fumos
Filter system Höcker 2,2 kW
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Filter system Höcker 2,2 kW
Sistemas de extração
Drying granules 72 kg Walther Trowal GM
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Control panel E 110 elumatec 54.500.230.TG.Sn 023
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Control panel E 110 elumatec 54.500.230.TG.Sn 023
Acessórios / peças sobressalentes para serras
Workbench unbekannt 2000/1000/H880 mm
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Workbench unbekannt 2000/1000/H880 mm
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megaphone Auna MEG1-HY
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Steam trap ARI CNU R4  DN50  PN16
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Steam trap ARI CNU R4 DN50 PN16
Sistemas de transporte
Gate valve with flange connection KOSMA DN50 PN16
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Gate valve with flange connection KSB BOA-C  DN50  PN6
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Gate valve with flange connection KSB BOA-W  DN40 PN6
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Gate valve with flange connection ARI JL1040  DN50 PN16
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Gate valve with flange connection ARI JL1040  DN50 PN6
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Gate valve with flange connection KSB BOA-H JL1040  DN15  PN16
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Gate valve with flange connection ARI JL1040  DN20 PN16
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